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This Site needed to be used for something other than outdated cd and dvd rom products.I could have used it for Printed Circuit board layout advertising but I wanted something different. I really have a passion for guitars and music so I will attemp to collect and share information and pictures of my growing collection. I am also a student of music theory .

My car is the 'one I always wanted' a BMW 330CI convertible. I try to stay current with maintenance and service. My son (Marine helicopter mechanic) and myself do much of the work. We also have a 1986 Corvette that is need of restoration.

Moving on to music and guitars. I am a closet guitar hacker! I mean I love to play but constant persecution (complaints) have made it that way! Great software tools and a looper have made it much easier for to produce and play and get a multi-instrument sound.

- Tom




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2006 BMW 330CI
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Epiphone Casino .
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